STATE SOCIAL, CONFLICT, AND EXPRESSION IN POETRY AUTHOR disappointment " Proklamasi 2” (Proclamation 2) by Hamid Jabbar

One of the poems are voiced disappointment with the government Hamid Jabbar is a poem entitled Proklamasi 2” (Proclamation 2). Inside are the social aspects which the author describes the expression of which may have also a feeling of disappointment throughout the people of Indonesia is represented by the author.
Proklamasi 2
(Karya: Hamid Jabbar)

Kami bangsa Indonesia
dengan ini menyatakan
kemerdekaan Indonesia
untuk kedua kalinya!

Hal-hal yang mengenai
hak asasi manusia,
dan lain-lain
yang tak habis-habisnya
akan habis
dengan cara seksama
dan dalam tempo
yang sesingkat-singkatnya

Jakarta, 25 Maret 1992
Atas nama bangsa Indonesia
Boleh Siapa-Saja

Proclamation 2
(Works: Hamid Jabbar)

Our nation Indonesia
hereby declare
Indonesia's independence
for the second time!

The things about
human rights,
an inexhaustible
going out
by carefully
and the tempo
the shortest possible time

Jakarta, March 25, 1992
On behalf of the Indonesian nation
Who should-Only

Social circumstances, conflicts and disputes that exist in society Indosenia Poetry " Proklamasi 2” (Proclamation 2)
State of Indonesia social society at that time very poor and there is a serious humanitarian issues that are related there are many violations of human rights remain unresolved in many forms of violence by police against civilians are not investigated thoroughly inter-group conflicts and disputes in the SARA the 90's.
Indonesia debts to other countries to indicate the bloated economy in Indonesia when it's getting harder so that the government was not able to overcome the economic difficulties the country to take shortcuts with other countries for help in the form of loans in the future it will increasingly become a burden countries.
In addition to issues of human rights and debts, there are many other problems that make the author is not able to explain them one by one.
It is found in the following quote:

Hal-hal yang mengenai
hak asasi manusia,
dan lain-lain

(The things about
human rights,

Expression of disappointment and anger The poet in the poem " Proklamasi 2” (Proclamation 2)

The poet was very disappointed with the condition of the country of Indonesia in 1992 is very alarming. Until the poet gives the phrase“kemerdekaan Indonesia yang kedua kalinya”(Indonesia's second independence). Based on these quotations indicate that the poet considers that the independence of Indonesia, which occurred on August 17, 1945 and in the period until 1992, is a futile independence, which means that Indonesia has not truly free.
Quote“yang tak habis-habisnya” (the endless), indicating aggravation of the poet to the problems in the country of Indonesia is still not resolved, even problems in Indonesia is increasingly growing.
But the poet still have great hopes on the government for improvement of the various sides of the government. It is contained in the quote
INSYA-ALLAH akan habis (GOD willing, will be exhausted). The poet hopes the nation's problems can be solved by praying with the permission of Allah.
Quote Boleh Siapa Saja(Allow Anyone) which signifies submission to the government. The poet does not care who represents the proclamation to two times, people do not even need to be authoritative, or official with a big name, but the poet considered the most important thing is that whoever Indonesian citizens who are aware and want to fix the real independence of Indonesia, entitled to participate in the proclamation to Indonesia on these two poems.

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